Source code for iccas.caching

import json
import os
from _warnings import warn
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import unquote, urljoin

import requests

from iccas.types import PathType

METADATA_FNAME = ".meta.json"

[docs]class RemoteFolderProxy: def __init__(self, folder_url: str, local_path: PathType): """ Mirrors a "remote folder" lazily downloading and caching its files. The caching mechanism uses only ETags (If-Modified-Since is not supported by raw.github). You should not modify files inside the cache folder; if you do, the file will be re-downloaded and overwritten at the next call of get(). """ self.folder_url = folder_url self.local_path = Path(local_path) self.local_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.metadata_path = self.local_path / METADATA_FNAME if not self.metadata_path.exists(): _write_json(self.metadata_path, {})
[docs] def get(self, relative_path, force_download: bool = False) -> Path: """ Ensures the latest version of a remote file is available locally in the cache, downloading it only if needed. If no internet connection is available (or the server is unreachable), the file available in the cache is returned with a warning; if the file is not in the cache, a ``ConnectionError`` is raised. Args: relative_path: force_download: Returns: full local path of the file """ path = self.get_path_of(relative_path) full_json = _read_json(self.metadata_path) entries = full_json[self.folder_url] if self.folder_url in full_json else {} if relative_path not in entries: entries[relative_path] = {} if ( not force_download and path.exists() and entries[relative_path].get("creationTime") == os.path.getmtime(path) ): current_etag = entries[relative_path].get("ETag", "") else: current_etag = "" try: url = urljoin(self.folder_url, relative_path) resp = _download_if_modified(url, path, current_etag) if resp: entries[relative_path] = { "ETag": resp.headers.get("ETag"), "creationTime": os.path.getmtime(path), } full_json[self.folder_url] = entries _write_json(self.metadata_path, full_json) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as exc: if force_download: raise ConnectionError( f"set force_download=False to use the local cached version" f"of the file (if available).\nError details: {exc}" ) if path.exists(): warn( f"Could not check if the remote file was modified: {exc}\n" f"However, a file is available in the local cache." ) else: raise ConnectionError( "unable to download the dataset and no dataset was " "previously downloaded.\nDetails: {}".format(exc) ) return path
[docs] def get_path_of(self, relative_url) -> Path: return Path(self.local_path, unquote(relative_url))
def _download_if_modified( url: str, path: PathType, etag: str ) -> Optional[requests.Response]: """ If the remote resource was modified, returns its new ETag, otherwise None. """ path = Path(path) resp = requests.get(url, headers={"If-None-Match": etag}) if resp.status_code == 304: return None else: resp.raise_for_status() path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) return resp def _read_json(path: PathType) -> dict: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f: return json.load(f) def _write_json(path: PathType, data: dict): with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2)