Source code for iccas.loading

import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import pandas as pd
from iccas.caching import RemoteFolderProxy
from iccas.types import DateLike, PathType

DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR = Path("~/.iccas").expanduser()
POPULATION_BY_AGE_PATH = "util/italian_population_by_age_2020.csv"
POPULATION_BY_AGE_GROUP_PATH = "util/italian_population_by_age_group_2020.csv"

def _check_file_format(fmt: str):
    if fmt not in AVAILABLE_FORMATS:
        raise ValueError(f"unavailable format: {fmt}")

def _date_as_str(date: DateLike) -> str:
    if isinstance(date, str):
        return date
    if isinstance(date,
        return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    raise TypeError

def _get_dataset_path(date: Optional[DateLike] = None, fmt: str = "csv") -> str:
    if date:
        date_str = _date_as_str(date)
        return "by-date/iccas_{}.{}".format(date_str, fmt)
    return "iccas_full.{}".format(fmt)

[docs]def get_url(date: Optional[DateLike] = None, fmt: str = "csv") -> str: """Returns the url of a dataset in a given format. If `date` is None, returns the URL of the full dataset.""" _check_file_format(fmt) return urljoin(BASE_URL, _get_dataset_path(date=date, fmt=fmt))
[docs]def load(path: PathType) -> pd.DataFrame: dataset = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=("date", "age_group"), parse_dates=["date"]) return dataset.unstack(level="age_group")
[docs]def load_single_date(path: PathType, keep_date: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Loads a dataset containing data for a single date. By default (`keep_date=False`), the `date` column is dropped and the datetime is stored in the `attrs` of the DataFrame. If instead `keep_date=True`, the returned dataset has a MultiIndex `(date, age_group)`. Args: path: keep_date: whether to drop the date column (containing a single datetime value) """ index_col = ("date", "age_group") if keep_date else "age_group" dataset = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=["date"]) if not keep_date: date =[0] dataset = dataset.drop(columns="date") dataset.attrs["date"] = date return dataset
[docs]def get(cache_dir: PathType = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns the latest version of the ICCAS dataset in a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` (as it's returned by :func:`load`). This function uses :meth:`RemoteFolderCache.get`, which caches. Raises: :exc:`request.exceptions.ConnectionError`: if the server is unreachable and no dataset is available in `cache_dir` """ data_proxy = RemoteFolderProxy(folder_url=BASE_URL, local_path=cache_dir) path = data_proxy.get(_get_dataset_path()) return load(path)
[docs]def get_by_date( date: DateLike, keep_date: bool = False, cache_dir: PathType = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Timestamp]: data_proxy = RemoteFolderProxy(folder_url=BASE_URL, local_path=cache_dir) path = data_proxy.get(_get_dataset_path(date=date)) return load_single_date(path, keep_date=keep_date)
[docs]def get_population_by_age(cache_dir: PathType = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a DataFrame with "age" as index and two columns: "value" (absolute counts) and "percentage" (<=1.0) """ data_proxy = RemoteFolderProxy(folder_url=BASE_URL, local_path=cache_dir) path = data_proxy.get(POPULATION_BY_AGE_PATH) pop = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0) pop['percentage'] = pop.value / pop.value.sum() return pop
[docs]def get_population_by_age_group( cache_dir: PathType = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a DataFrame with "age_group" as index and two columns: "value" (absolute counts) and "percentage" (<=1.0) """ data_proxy = RemoteFolderProxy(folder_url=BASE_URL, local_path=cache_dir) path = data_proxy.get(POPULATION_BY_AGE_GROUP_PATH) pop = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0) pop['percentage'] = pop.value / pop.value.sum() return pop